Saturday, October 25, 2014

Introduction to Smart Homes

A Smart Home is comprised of collection of technical home automation concepts that are implemented and integrated together to meet certain goals and expectations of you, the client. A good job entails providing the highest quality of integration between the chosen 'Home Automation concepts' using products that are, by themselves as stand-alone products, well supported in the market and can be enhanced by cross-linking with other Smart Home systems.

Smart homes incorporate common devices that control features of the home. Originally, smart home technology was used to control environmental systems such as lighting and heating, but recently the use of smart technology has developed so that almost any electrical component within the house can be included in the system. Moreover, smart home technology does not simply turn devices on and off, it can monitor the internal environment and the activities that are being undertaken whilst the house is occupied. The result of these modifications to the technology is that a smart home can now monitor the activities of the occupant of a home, independently operate devices in set predefined patterns or independently, as the user requires.

Smart home technology uses many of the same devices that are used in assertive technology to build an environment in which many features in the home are automated and devices can communicate with each other. The below image shows the possibilities of what Smart Homes can achieve.

What are your thoughts and concerns about Smart Homes, do they pose an inconvenience or do they enhance users daily life? Share your opinions in the comment sections below.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, so basically smart home is a combination of multiple "smart" household appliances.

    The picture is too small to be readable. Please format it so that it does not require opening in a new tab to be comprehensible.
